Friday, June 17, 2005


I am so completely thrilled, Becky from just told me that my new mentor is going to be the one, the only, the crazy hat wearing man himself Derek Freisenborg! I am super excited since some of my favorite students from last semester Aja B. and Brian N. were in his class. i am sad to see mark behm go though *sniffle*. i will miss him. i think mark and derek are kind of on the opposite sides of the spectrum personality wise so it will be cool adjusting to this new outlandish fellow. i can't wait for the first Q and A on Thursday at 8pm!!

The last Q and A we had with Mark last night was bittersweet. We got tons of info covered on many of the students clamoring for his final evaluations of us. I think it would defintely be better for the students and mentors to have fewer students in the class. Mark ran out of time and missed 2 of my favorite students from our class, Jeff K. and Matt K. For my end of semester crit Mark said I get the "Most Improved Award"!! Imagine that, little old me actually improving, i was so excited i could hardly stand it. I think he could really see a difference in my quality of work since I had quit my job at Psyop those many weeks ago. Since then I had more time to focus on AM and tweak my HW till my hearts content. All part of my master plan, mmwuhaahaa.

Which reminds me while we're on the subject. It was a tough choice to quit work and just do AM full time but it's what i KNEW i needed to do to improve. working and AM at the same time was getting me nowhere and all this knowledge was just whizzing by my already clogged up brain, unnoticed. something big had to change, and quick. I completely appreciate the opportunity AM has given me to learn animation, there is no other way like AM to learn this stuff so detailed from the best in the Biz! This semester I am also signing up for Gesture drawing at Gnomon school, another terrific CG school, although I think we all know where me loyalties lie. And I am still looking for an acting school as well, with no luck yet. Looks like things are going to get interesting.


At 11:26 PM, Blogger Kimotion said...

I think I'm gonna cry.

And I agree with Mark: your stuff really improved! I'm totally serious.

At 12:16 PM, Blogger Brian "My Fault" Nicolucci said...

I am so blushing right now.

Woo Anthea. Great job last semester and you are gonna be kickin some butt this one. You are gonna love Derek, he absolutely rocks the house!

In the immortal words of Gandhi, "Rock on My Animation Sistah!" :p

At 5:36 PM, Blogger Kimotion said...

OOH! Anthea, I forgot to mention that I have Derek too!

At 6:03 PM, Blogger Brian "My Fault" Nicolucci said...

Anthea. Woo, that should be a blast vid conferenceing between the two groups. I have to re-set up my MSN. I will email you as soon as I do.

Woo, this should be fun, fun, fun!!!

At 4:55 PM, Blogger anthea said...

o and brian, now nyc is in on it. mike stern wants us to conference him in too. he and gordanna and dave b. are going to meet up too.


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